a word from the cmo-mama...

Friday, August 3, 2007


chatting with marcus and jeremy makes me want to chase down these devilpups. can you help? post a comment.

adam and theresa phillips
tate & julie harman
james howard
joey crouse
mike atchinson
ann o'donnell
manuel malanado
ray schenberg
jeff mckenzie
larry morris
angie langlois
fred wilson
eric griffin
shannon fernandez
joe sugar the bus driver
mr. parker the art teacher
coach anderton
brenda johnson
rudy who lived on jones street
karen who went to the world's fair with me
desiree and her little brother
dana pelitier
mike samuels

1 comment:

MWValdezPJA said...

There's another site that may be of help, www.lhsconnect.com
Most of the names that come up on that one are from 1990 and later. However, I had chatted with Lee Woodson ('87) for a bit there but not recently.